Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.
from: Lyz Cooper

The New Face of the Sound Therapy Association

We are pleased to announce that the Sound Therapy Association is now relaunching as the Therapeutic Sound Association. The aim of the name change is to cast our net more widely, embracing any individual or organisation working with sound and/or music as a therapeutic tool. 

The aim of the association is to provide a place where people working with therapeutic sound can communicate, share and grow.  
To raise awareness of this effective modality.  
To save our members time and money when it comes to promoting their services by organising events, campaigns and projects going forward.
To collaborate with our members with regard to the ongoing research and development in the field.
To run continuing professional development modules aimed at supporting members to grow their businesses.

We have a dynamic new board of directors, a new website and a passion for raising awareness of the benefits of therapeutic sound worldwide.  We are working towards a symposium in Spring 2017 and a newsletter containing research, news and views.  We welcome applications from training companies, therapists and practitioners, workshop leaders, researchers - anyone working in the field. Check us out! 

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